The Inventions of Race

What is race? What role does it play in politics today? What are its human costs? This edition of Red Line TV takes a penetrating look at a controversial and critical question.

* Anthropologist and activist Dr Toyin Agbetu gives his take on how race was constructed.

* Anti-racism campaigner Suresh Grover blasts government claims that institutional racism has been overcome

* Adam Elliott-Cooper, author of “Black Resistance to British Policing”, tells a horrifying story of deaths in custody.

* Jenny Manson of Jewish Voice for Labour speaks of the damage done to us all by false allegations of antisemitism.

* Delia Mattis of Black Lives Matter explains what it’s like to be black in the Labour Party.

* Acclaimed performer Tayo Aluko brings the iconic civil rights campaigner Paul Robeson to life.

Presented by Jackie Walker and Tina Werkmann, with the help of veteran editor of Labour Briefing Graham Bash, this show gets to the heart of arguments over race today.

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